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User Stories: Meet Ayodeji Odesile, A Software Engineer from Nigeria

User Stories: Meet Ayodeji Odesile, A Software Engineer from Nigeria

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Meet Ayodeji Odesile, a 24-year-old innovator and software engineer from Lagos, Nigeria. He faced challenges with international payments until he discovered Native Teams, which now helps him receive payments within 24 hours. Learn more about his experience with Native Teams!

Hi, Ayodeji, please tell us a little bit about yourself

I am Ayodeji Odesile, a software engineer (innovator). I live in Lagos, Nigeria, but I am from Kwara state. I’m 24 years old this October.

What is your current job title and what do you do?

I am an innovator; I essentially solve difficulties in numerous domains such as frontend, ML, and so on. It differs from the typical one-role concentration in that you get to learn a lot about diverse technologies while compromising some depth in the process.

How do you get into this role?

After coming across the job listing on LinkedIn, I decided to apply and subsequently followed the rigorous interview process, which involved multiple rounds of assessments and evaluations, before finally receiving the news that I had been selected for the role.

What was your first reaction when you got your first pay in foreign currency?

Getting my first pay in a foreign currency was an incredibly gratifying experience that filled me with a sense of pride and accomplishment. It was an affirmation that my skills and expertise were valued beyond just the borders of my own country, and that my hard work and dedication had paid off. Although I was excited about the prospect of earning more in the future, at that moment, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction and gratitude for the opportunity that I had been given.

What were the challenges you have faced with International Payments before you started using Native Teams?

The time it took from receiving the money in dollars to having it in my account in naira, which could take 3–4 days, led me to frequently withdraw more money than I needed. This is the source of the quote I’ve included below. With Native Teams, I was assured that I would receive my money within 24 hours.

How did you learn about Native Teams?

I learned about Native Teams through a friend of mine who introduced me to Jessica, the business developer for Nigeria at the company. Through my conversations with Jessica, I became intrigued by the company’s mission, culture, and the range of opportunities available.

What do you like most about Native Teams?

The exchange rates, keep it up!

If you had to advise someone on how to get started in tech, what would you say?

Choose an area in technology that interests you the most by doing some research. Ignore the difficulty level and, once you’ve found it, go for it wholeheartedly without looking back. Don’t cut corners. Join the community. If you don’t discover anything, tech is probably not for you.

Finally, what is the one financial principle that keeps you sane?

Don’t withdraw, if you don’t need to, sounds very basic but it’s important.

Barbara Borko avatar


Barbara Borko is a copywriter and content creator, interested in remote work, tech, and people. She has lived in 5 countries around the world and in her free time, she likes to spend time outdoors and create content for her adventure travel blog.

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