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Meet Dzenis Idrizovic, Our Native Teams Graphic Designer!

Meet Dzenis Idrizovic, Our Native Teams Graphic Designer!

meet our team member dzenis native teams

Hi Dzenis, we’re super excited to get to know you a bit more today! How has the start of 2023 been for you?

Hi all! Great to hear that. I am super anxious about that tbh! 😄 It’s a dark January, lots of tea and movies. Waiting for the heavy snow to brighten things up! 😀 

Who is Dzenis and what is your role at Native Teams?

Well, Dzenis is a person who doesn’t talk much about himself for sure. 😄 My role at NT is revolving around social media, UX/UI and motion design.

meet our team member dzenis native teams

What convinced you to apply for a job at Native Teams?

The thing that really convinced me to apply for a job at Native Teams is the fact that you give your all to solve many problems freelancers face. I recognized the greatness in what they were doing, being that I was a freelancer myself. 

What does a typical workday look like for you?

I usually wake up every morning before sunrise, pray and then have a bit of time for tea and read in dead silence. It is important to have an easy morning, so I keep up with a busy day at work.

meet our team member dzenis native teams

How did you get into design? Did you always know you wanted to be a designer?

While in high school I was working on a project with friends. It was about the school radio station and school newspapers. So for me, it was totally unknown how to deal with all of it so yea I accepted! 😄 After a while, I ended up doing the design for newspapers. I had no idea how it should be done, so I thought Microsoft Word would be the best choice! It wasn’t! You already figured that out! 😄 I spent a lot of time putting the whole thing together (in Word) and after a while, I was sure it was ready for printing. So we all sat down, checked for spelling mistakes etc. everything was fine until it was printed. The thing I didn’t know was that Word can mess up your document while transferring it from one to another computer. Oh, happy days… We received around 100 copies of newspapers with most of the words stuck to each other. I enjoyed the process of designing and the end result awakened stubbornness I guess.

Where do you usually find inspiration and what do you do on days when the creativity doesn’t really flow?

Usually, I find inspiration while researching and analyzing the works of other designers, but when that doesn’t work I find that relaxing my mind and body and being away from technology for a while helps a lot when I get a creative block. That could mean going to a Turkish bath or a sauna really early in the morning before work, or going out for a walk or ride on my bike in nature after work.  

Music on or off when you work? What’s your go-to song to get hyped?

Music OFF for sure! No matter how hard I tried to keep my music on it was always more of a distraction than it was getting me hyped or inspired. I need to focus during my work so I usually find myself working in dead silence. Being a designer is getting you hyped enough!

meet our team member dzenis native teams

Is the future of work remote?

Remote work gives you the opportunity to work with a lot of people from around the world whom you would normally never meet. With remote work, you don’t have to be limited to the job opportunities near you that require a lot more time and effort for things like getting ready and travelling all the way to your workplace. 

What would you recommend to anyone who wants to become a designer like you?

If you want to become a designer, you have to be ready to work really hard. This profession requires that you always stay on top of the current design trends. Also, train hard to get in shape for the infinite number of changes you have to make to your designs. 

meet our team member dzenis native teams

Any last words for our Native Teams readers?

Am I dying? 😄 Is this what life is all about? Glad to be part of a great team! Cheers!

Barbara Borko avatar


Barbara Borko is a copywriter and content creator, interested in remote work, tech, and people. She has lived in 5 countries around the world and in her free time, she likes to spend time outdoors and create content for her adventure travel blog.

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