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Meet Igor – Business Development Manager By Day And Music Producer By Night!

Meet Igor – Business Development Manager By Day And Music Producer By Night!

Say hi to Igor Radosevic, our energetic Native Teams Business Development Manager for the Serbian market.

Whenever he’s not busy helping Serbian freelancers and remote workers make the most out of their careers, he transforms into a music producer and a DJ, better known as Cosmic G.

Read the full interview with Igor below:

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Hi Igor! What can you tell us about yourself?

Well, this one is going to be a bit cliché, but it’s the shortest version. Always motivated to grow and develop myself. I aim to build up a strong connection with a creative and innovative approach. Inspired by new people and travelling. In love with music. 

What is your role at Native Teams and what do your daily tasks include?

Depending on the day, always something new comes in the way. That is also one of the core things that is driving me to change things and learn on that path. But most importantly, inbound/outbound strategies, localization as finest feature + first line of connection between our costumers, potential partners and Native Teams itself. 

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A Firefighter when I was very young and then a Rock Star.

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When you’re not working as a biz dev for Native Teams, you’re producing music and DJ-ing all around the Balkans. How do you combine these two passions?

I have had a love for music since I was a child. First, it was music school and then the band and finally production and DJing. I have never followed the trends in music and I think that quantity has destroyed quality for a long time, so I did not want it to become my basic form of income, because then I would have to go against my views and postulates. So I decided that I  want to work in other sectors in addition to my love for music, and if something is possible that I also believe in, then it is an absolute hit. So  Native Teams is actually wind in my back for my hobbies and music. Nothing is difficult and impossible if you really love what you do.

What do you like the most about working for Native Teams?

First of all, the way we work, where we are all actually one team working on a common goal. There is no micromanagement and transfer of responsibilities because the conditions and the way of working are satisfactory enough that you are always motivated to progress. I also made real friends and people here that I will definitely hang out with besides work. And we also have room for freedom and creativity which is very important to me.

What makes you the happiest?

Happiness is a bit of a complicated thing if you look at it basically. First of all, I want to enjoy the things I believe in and also the people I consider close. Lasting happiness cannot be found in the acquisition of objects, substances, activities, states of mind or relationships. It resides in the simple knowing of our own being as it truly is.

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In your words, what are the pros and cons of remote work?

I am a complete proponent of remote work. I think there are only pluses in the same. Many would say that the minus is that you can feel isolated, but that is just a state of mind because each of us should have freedom and control over those feelings. It is also much easier to achieve a balance between work and private life because you are not tied to the office or the country in which you live. I think that people will only switch to this way of working more because, in the sea of ​​modern circumstances, the greatest effect will be achieved with freedom of choice and the possibility for all of us to be equal wherever we are or live.

What would you like to recommend to anyone starting out with freelancing or working remotely?

First of all, every change is always positive and getting out of the comfort zone as well as the principles that have been around us for too long, and that is that 9 to 5 work is a must and that we have to live within the economic situation of the country we are in. I believe that the time of the globalist way of working without borders between countries is yet to come.

If people want to follow along your journey, where can they find you?

First of all, I use Instagram and other platforms, apart from LinkedIn, of course exclusively for the promotion of music and that side of my life, so I will leave a few links to the same ones where you can follow all the events. Here’s my SoundCloud profile and here’s my Instagram.

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Native Teams is a leading global platform that specialises in providing streamlined work payments, employment, tax management and mobility solutions for freelancers, remote workers, and their employers.

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