Maximise your savings and reward yourself with extra income on the money you already have. With Native Teams, you can earn passive income effortlessly. Keep your funds with us and enjoy the monthly balance rewards, making your money work for you.
With our Balance Rewards feature, maximising your savings has never been easier.
Keep your money with us and start earning today!
Deposit funds into your Native Teams wallet to kickstart your savings journey. The more you save, the greater your potential to earn rewards.
At the beginning of the following month, Native Teams will top up your wallet as a balance. Then, the balance rewards will be calculated based on the amount you've held in your wallet until that date. You'll earn rewards based on your daily balance with us!
This monthly balance reward accumulates, resulting in an impressive 4% annual return on your balance. Your savings grow effortlessly over time. Balance rewards are calculated based on the amount you've held in your wallet for the current month. So the more you save, the more you earn!
Experience steady and sustainable financial growth as your savings accumulate balance rewards over time.
Transform your digital wallet into a source of passive income, providing you with an additional stream of earnings.
Spread risk and maximise returns by earning rewards from various balance-bearing accounts, ensuring stability and growth.
Sit back and relax while your money works for you. Our feature requires no extra effort – balance rewards accrue automatically based on your balance, providing hassle-free earnings.