Meet Yaren, our Business Development Manager from Turkey
4 min read
Our energetic Yaren Yüzer is taking care of our biggest market within Native Teams, Turkey!
Learn more about what she has to say about her role as Native Teams’ Business Development Manager, about the opportunities and challenges in Turkey and see if she thinks the future of work is really remote.
Read the full interview below!

Hi Yaren! How are you and how has your day been so far?
Hey! Thank you very much for asking. It’s been a hectic day as usual, but I like it, so everything is perfect 🙂
How would you describe yourself in 3 sentences?
Well, that’s a tough one, but I’ll do my best! I am a hundred per cent Leo, an insouciant person and deeply ambitious at the same time. I am only interested in improving myself in life, and I do not compete with anyone but myself. I am in love with new journeys and getting to know myself along the way.
You work for Native Teams as a Business Development Manager for the Turkish market. What are the biggest opportunities and challenges of the Turkish market?
Turkey is one of the biggest countries that we cover, so it is exciting and challenging at the same time. The population of Turkey, which hosts many foreigners as well as Turks, is increasing rapidly. Clearly, we have chosen the right market and there is a lot of potential in the country. On the other hand, we are trying to bring the right product and the right consumer together in this crowd. Finding the right audience can sometimes be difficult, as prejudices against freelancing in Turkey are just beginning to break down. Regardless, Turkey is very convenient for us.

What motivates you in your work?
Despite being very self-motivated, my team is my biggest source of motivation and support at the moment. Additionally, I dislike monotonous and stable work environments, but ours is probably the most fast-paced, so I am really enjoying myself even when I am working.
How long have you been part of Native Teams and why did you decide to join the team?
This is my fourth month onboard. I am a person who believes a lot in energy. When I first met the team, I said I should definitely be here. Since everyone’s energies are in harmony and we are a bit of a crazy team, I immediately felt that I belonged here, it always felt right to be here.
In your opinion, is the future of work remote?
Exactly! This digital transformation, which I have been advocating for years, has become mandatory for most people with the pandemic. As someone who has been working remotely since graduation, it is invaluable for me to be able to make a lot of time for myself and my loved ones thanks to the remote working environment. As a whole team, we wholeheartedly believe that talent has no borders.

What would you recommend to anyone who’s just starting out with either freelancing or working remotely?
Sometimes people think that being a freelancer/remoter is synonymous with uncertainty. However, the time and freedom that freelance/remote work gives us in today’s fast-paced world are really valuable. If I enter business life again right now, I will choose to work remotely/freelance again. The important thing is to realize what you want and be brave. When you start with confidence, the rest will follow.
What do you like to do when you’re not working?
Currently, I am re-learning German, so I am trying to improve my German language skills in my free time. Furthermore, I’m taking sculpture lessons, which happened to be my secret talent. As someone who is terrible at drawing, I had no expectations for sculpture, but I surprised myself…

What’s your favourite book?
The Wisdom of Psychopaths was the first one that came to my mind. I have a real interest in psychology and why people commit crimes. Therefore, my usual reading material consists of psychology textbooks about crime or the human brain, or books that analyse true stories. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t say this if I were a serial killer, it is just an interest. 😄
What’s your favourite place to travel to?
Okay, this is the hardest one! Let’s get started… I am in love with Italy and Spain. Since I am a true summer lover, I am in love with the warmth of these cities and the genuine feeling they provide. Germany, particularly Berlin, has a special place in my heart as well. I hope I will be able to visit there again this summer. Wish me luck!

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