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Croatia EOR Services

Easily hire and onboard new employees in Croatia with Native Teams’ employer of record services. We will ensure that your business follows Croatia’s labour laws, taxes, and payroll management.

Why use an employer of record services in Croatia?

When considering hiring new employees in Croatia, it is obligatory to establish physical offices within the country. This process involves various time-consuming steps, such as registering an office address, opening a local bank account, and adhering to local tax regulations.

By utilising Native Teams' employer of record services in Croatia, you can begin the hiring process without the need to establish a legal entity in the country. This approach not only saves you valuable time and resources but also ensures that your business remains fully compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.

How do EOR services in Croatia work?

When utilising our Employer of Record (EOR) service in Croatia, you can hire a new employee while maintaining complete control over their work.

Meanwhile, Native Teams takes the role of their legal employer, manoeuvering various responsibilities such as payroll processing, tax obligations, benefits administration, and administrative fees. Your sole obligation will be to make payments to the leasing company, covering these expenses while we handle all other aspects seamlessly.

How PEO Works

Requirements for employment in Croatia

Here are a few of the legal and tax requirements that employers must adhere to when hiring employees in Croatia:

Employment contract

According to Croatian law, employment contracts must be in writing. The contract should include the start date, type of work, working hours, annual leave, duration, salary, and notice period.

Minimum wage requirements

All employees in Croatia must receive at least the minimum wage. Exceptions to this rule are management board members and executive directors.

Social security contributions

Employers are responsible for deducting a certain amount from their employees’ salaries to pay for social security contributions. In Croatia, employees are entitled to health, pension, unemployment, maternity, work accident, and family benefits.

Paying taxes

Employers must pay income taxes or any other type of tax on behalf of their employees.

Work permits

Foreign workers from the EU, Switzerland and EEA and their family members don’t have to get an employment permit or a residence permit to work in Croatia. However, for workers outside of these countries, a work permit or work registration certificate is required.

Obtaining a tax number

Employers and employees must obtain a tax number or OIB (‘osobni identifikacijski broj’), which is necessary for registering for health insurance, opening a local bank account, and paying taxes.

Compliance with labour laws

Employers must follow Croatian labour laws, which include overtime, working hours, leave entitlements and termination procedures.

Please note that Croatian laws and regulations can change. So, it’s important to keep abreast of the latest developments regarding labour law.

Please note that all these requirements may vary depending on the job type, the employer and individual circumstances.

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Features of Croatia employer of record with Native Teams

Employment status

When you choose to hire your new employees through Native Teams, they will be properly employed through our entity. Be assured that they will receive a contract that complies with all relevant employment laws and regulations in Croatia.

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HR administration and documentation

We will streamline and automate all HR administrative tasks and store your employees' documentation within your Native Teams dashboard. With just one click, you can easily access all the necessary information and documentation in a centralised and convenient manner.

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Global payroll

The process of calculating salaries, taxes, benefits, and various deductions for your international workforce can be perplexing. Our payroll calculators are designed to simplify this process, enabling you to conveniently manage the payroll of all your global employees within a single platform.

Run global payroll
payroll calculator
payroll calculator


Upon hiring, your new employee in Croatia will receive all essential benefits mandated by law, including healthcare, insurance, and a pension plan. Moreover, if desired, you have the flexibility to provide additional perks such as gym memberships and wellness options to enhance their benefit package.

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How PEO Works

Why choose Native Teams as your Croatia employer of record?

Native Teams operates with legal entities in 70+ countries worldwide and has gained recognition for its exceptional Employer of Record (EOR) services, facilitating business expansion into Croatia.

Our team of tax, legal, and compliance experts is available to assist you with all aspects of employee recruitment, payroll management, and handling administrative tasks, including HR administration, risk management, and more. We provide comprehensive support to ensure your hiring and employee management processes are efficient and compliant.

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