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Poland EOR Services

Hiring new team members in Poland can be a piece of cake with Native Teams. You can focus on growing and expanding your business while we take care of the most annoying tasks, like taxes, local laws, and managing international payroll management.

Why use an employer of record services in Poland?

If you plan on hiring employees in Poland, you will be required to establish a legal entity in the country first. This encompasses registering an address, securing office premises, and creating a local bank account. Plus, you will need to manage local payroll, taxes, regulations, and benefits. The whole process can be time-consuming.

But with the help of an employer of record (EOR) service provider like Native Teams, your business can kick off without having a legal entity in Poland. Our EOR services will save you plenty of time while ensuring you stay compliant with Poland’s employment laws and regulations.

How do EOR services in Poland work?

After hiring a new employee via our employer of record Poland services, you will remain responsible for their day-to-day work, providing direction and overseeing the employee’s performance.

Meanwhile, Native Teams will step into to role of their legal employer, handling everything from employee onboarding to payroll taxes and administrative fees. All you have to do is make regular payments to the leasing company to cover these costs while we handle the red tape.

How PEO Works

Requirements for employment in Poland

Here are some of the tax and legal requirements employers need to fulfill when hiring employees in Poland:

Obtaining a tax identification number

Before hiring, employers need to obtain a tax identification number (NIP) from the local Polish tax authorities (Urząd Skarbowy).

Employment contract

A written contract must be signed between the employer and the employee. The contract should outline the specific terms and conditions of employment, such as benefits, working hours, salary, and notice period.

Personal income tax

Employers are obliged to withhold tax from their employees’ taxable salaries and remit it to the tax office in Poland (ZUS) on the 20th day of the month. Annual tax returns must be filed and paid by April 30th of the following year, listing all the sources of income or any additional tax due.

Social security contributions

Employers must deduct the appropriate amount of their employee’s salary and pay social security contributions on their behalf until the 15th day of the following month. These contributions include pension, disability, and health insurance.

Labour laws

Employers must comply with Polish labour laws, which include regulations about working hours, safe and hygienic work conditions, and salary payment.

Employees records

Employers have to keep paper or electronic records of the employee’s employment, including payroll information, contracts, and work permits.

Employee capital plans (PPK)

The employee capital plan allows employees to accumulate capital for their retirement plan. Employers need to contribute 1.5% of the remuneration, while the employee contributes 2%. Only employers that use Employee Pension Plan (PPE), which is aligned with PPK requirements, are exempt from establishing PPK.

Please note that these tax and legal requirements in Poland may change, so it’s important that companies stay updated on the latest requirements to ensure compliance.

Termination procedures

There are specific procedures and notice periods to be followed when terminating employment contracts in Belgium. Failure to comply with these procedures may result in severance pay or legal consequences.

It's important to note that this is not an exhaustive list, and specific requirements may vary based on factors such as the nature of the employment, industry, and individual circumstances.

Please note that all these requirements may vary depending on the job type, the employer and individual circumstances.

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Features of Poland employer of record with Native Teams

Employment status

When hiring through our employer of record service, Native Teams will act as the legal employer. The employee will receive a contract in compliance with all the employment laws and regulations in Poland.

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HR administration and documentation

All documents of your global employees will be automated and shown on your Native Teams dashboard, so you will be able to access everything with just one click.

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Global payroll

Making calculations for taxes, salaries, and benefits for your global team can be a real challenge. Our payroll calculator can ease the process by allowing you to manage payroll for each team member on a single platform.

Run global payroll
payroll calculator
payroll calculator


Your employees will be able to enjoy all the mandatory benefits. Moreover, you can also offer them extra benefits, such as gym membership and wellness options.

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How PEO Works

Why choose Native Teams as your Poland employer of record?

Native Teams has legal entities in 70+ countries around the world and has been recognized for its outstanding EOR services, helping companies expand and hire internationally.

Our tax, legal, and compliance experts can help you with everything you need regarding hiring and paying your employees and taking care of all your administrative tasks, such as HR admin, payroll, risk management, and more.

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