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Local Employment

For remote workers and freelancers who seek official employment status and a regular monthly salary.

Native Teams | Local Employment
Native Teams | Everything you need to work remotel

Everything you need to work remotely

Working as a freelancer or remotely for a company abroad? Native Teams, as your employer of record, will be responsible for paying your salary and any associated taxes and providing any benefits you are entitled to under your employment contract. Additionally, we will handle all administrative duties connected with your employment! With Native Teams, you can obtain legal employment status in any country, allowing you to be paid through our EoR services and exempt from paying any associated taxes or social security contributions.

How it works?

We can act as your ‘Employer of Record’. As a result, you will receive all of your payments in your bank account, your taxes and social costs covered, and you will be eligible for any perks that come with employment. We understand that working as a freelancer can be complex and challenging, but with our help, you can focus on your core objectives.

Native Teams | How it works?

Payroll calculator

This easy-to-use tool will help you calculate your monthly salary by selecting the country and currency you want your employed status set up, your salary and taxes paid.

Calculate my salary
Native Teams | Payroll calculator
Native Teams | Compliant contracts & documents

Compliant contracts & documents

Native Teams' quick automated onboarding is one of the benefits you'll enjoy. In accordance with your needs, we give you the appropriate documents that have been locally tailored.

Tax optimisation

Using our country-specific Native Teams cost calculator, you can calculate your savings based on your chosen country. Simply enter basic information about your income and expenses, and the tool will do the rest.

Native Teams | Tax optimisation

Benefits you get by using local employment through Native Teams

Native Teams | Benefits of using Native Teams

Want to learn more about our solutions or need help getting started?

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