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Top 16 Apps for Freelance Work

Top 16 Apps for Freelance Work

The ability to work as a freelancer is really appealing, right? You have the freedom to set your hours, decide how you want to get things done and handle all your administrative tasks.

However, if you don’t have a system in place to keep track of your various clients and freelancing assignments, you’re setting yourself up for a lot of stress and maybe missing some critical deadlines.

As a result, using digital apps is a terrific method to help you function more efficiently. 

To help you navigate an endless string of freelance apps available, we’ve compiled a list of the top apps for freelance work!

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General apps for freelancers

Working as a freelancer requires various apps and resources to manage the work effectively. From project management and time tracking to invoicing and communication, freelancers need apps that can help them streamline their workflow and stay organized. 

In this section, we’ll take a look at some of the best all-around apps that might come in handy for any freelancer.

1. Native Teams – Your Employment And Payments Platform

Native Teams is an innovative platform that combines employment and payments for freelancers and small business owners. By offering a range of apps and services, Native Teams streamlines the employment process. 

Native Teams handles all aspects of payments, ensuring that freelancers are paid on time and in full. 

With Native Teams, freelancers can easily create employment profiles, manage contracts, and track invoices and payments. This platform also provides various tools to help you manage your finances and taxes, such as automatic expense tracking and tax form generation.

2. Google Drive – All Your Content In One Place, Synced

Google Drive is a cloud-based file storage and collaboration tool that enables users to keep files, view them from anywhere, and collaborate on documents in real time with clients. 

Google Drive offers many features and benefits, making it an essential tool for freelancers. In addition, Google Drive makes organizing all your files into hierarchical categories simple. 

Creating a Google account is the only requirement for using the tool. Moreover, Google Drive gives free storage of up to 15GB for individual users and paid plans for businesses that need more storage. 

3. Asana – Keep On Top Of Your Tasks

Asana is an excellent project management tool, and its intuitive interface makes updating the state of individual tasks a breeze. Asana provides three distinct perspectives for monitoring progress: a board, a timetable, and a list. 

Each of your projects can have a due date and detailed description when using Asana. 

You can also include links to relevant papers and upload files. In addition, Asana can be used for more than just project management; it can also remind you of key dates, like when your taxes are due.

4. Zoom – Video Conferencing Made Easy

Zoom is an all-in-one collaboration and communication platform that facilitates group video calls, blackboard collaboration, and online meetings. 

Zoom provides an easy-to-navigate interface, streamlines administration, and gives today’s freelancers the adaptability they need to remain productive and efficient. 

What makes it stand out is that it consolidates several different channels of communication into a single product, so you won’t need as many different programs and subscriptions to remain in touch with your clients. 

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Freelancer apps for programmers

As a programmer, you need apps and resources to help you work more efficiently, manage your projects, and stay up-to-date with industry trends. Fortunately, several apps specifically designed for freelance programmers can help you accomplish these goals. 

So, let’s explore the top freelancer apps for programmers!

1. UltraEdit – Code Editor

Whether you’re writing a new product from the ground up or just drawing up prose for the front end, UltraEdit is a code-aware and context-aware text editor made for you. 

UltraEdit is an advanced and flexible text editor explicitly made for programmers to speed up the process of coding. 

UltraEdit is a popular choice for developers of all skill levels due to its adaptable user interface, robust search and replace capabilities, and compatibility with many programming languages. Code folding, syntax highlighting, and auto-completion are just a few of its time-saving advantages. 

2. Visual Studio Code

Because of its user-friendly design and extensive feature set, Visual Studio Code is a favorite among programmers all over the world. 

Visual Studio Code is a powerful and flexible tool for developers of all skill levels because of its intuitive interface, support for many different programming languages, and extensive add-ons. 

Built-in support for Git is just one of its many features, among syntax highlighting, code completion, and debugging apps. 

3. Sublime Text Code Editor

Since it integrates code, markup, and prose into a single program, Sublime Text Editor is the ideal code editor for a complete development setup. 

This editor can handle complex projects and lots of coding. Furthermore, Sublime Text speeds up the process of making new files. 

With the Multiple Selection tools in Sublime Text, users can quickly and easily find, edit, rename, and manipulate several lines simultaneously, streamlining their workflow and allowing them to get more done in less time.

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Freelancer apps for writers

Freelance writers now have access to an abundance of digital resources that can aid them in their profession. From word processors to task boards, and style and grammar checker apps, there are many apps that can make writers’ life easier.

No matter what kind of freelance writing you do, these apps for freelancers make your life as a writer simpler and more organized. 

1. Grammarly – grammar and spell check app

If you’re a freelancer looking for AI-powered software to help you write flawless, well-organized content, look no further than Grammarly.

As any writer will tell you, there is no “right” way to write for your audience. With the assistance of Grammarly, you can refine your message and even categorize your writing based on topics. 

The best thing about using Grammarly as a freelancer is that you can continue to receive corrections for your work on platforms other than the Grammarly app. 

2. Google Docs – online text editor

While you’re typing, your work is automatically stored and synced across all your devices. Following that, you can have your team members access the file. 

You could also use common file types like .docx, .odt, .rtf, .epub, or .pdf to store your document.

With a minimalist design that won’t get in the way of your work, this word processor has all the essentials to get writing: a blank page, the ability to type, and standard editing tools like bold, italics, and underlining. You can even insert hyperlinks, pictures, and tables. 

3. Hemingway editor – style checker app

The Hemingway software is a no-cost grammar checker that provides numerous helpful insights for improving the content you write for yourself or your clients. 

One of the most intriguing is the ability to determine the reading level of your content, such as whether or not you’ve used terminology or constructions that are likely too complex for the average web user. 

In addition, Hemingway offers ideas for making your writing clearer and easier to read, such as switching out complex words for simpler ones, dividing long passages into shorter ones, and using active voice.

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Freelancer apps for designers

As a design freelancer, using apps is one of the best methods to optimize your workflow and time management. However, not just any app will do. You need ones that are reliable and useful whether you’re on the go or at your desk. 

In the list below, we will discuss the best freelancer apps for designers.

1. Figma – collaborative design tool

Figma’s cloud-based infrastructure is a powerful feature enabling artists to work on their designs simultaneously from anywhere. By facilitating real-time collaboration, Figma makes it possible for numerous team members to work on a design project simultaneously.

In addition, you can create, frame, and engage with your prototypes as well as draw and scale them on a grid. 

This tool also ensures a solid connection between the design and production groups. All design work can be viewed, copied, and exported as CSS lines by developers for use in their code immediately.

2. Webflow

Webflow is a no-code website builder that facilitates website creation, development, and deployment without specialized coding knowledge or skills. Webflow makes building stunning, functional websites simple for anyone, regardless of their technical skill level. 

Webflow’s capacity to generate responsive web pages is one of its primary advantages. 

Webflow allows its users to build responsive websites that automatically adjust to the viewing environment to provide a seamless experience across all platforms. The platform offers a wide range of tutorials, videos, and articles to help users learn the ins and outs of the platform.

3. InVision – project management and prototyping tool

InVision is one of the finest and most potent design prototyping apps available, and it was made specifically for website designers. 

Thanks to its enormous library of pre-built components and templates, it is handy for rapid prototyping and user testing. Even though InVision isn’t a design tool in and of itself, it can be used to turn static designs into dynamic prototypes with the help of animations, gestures, and transitions. 

Freelancers can use InVision to work on design tasks in real-time by creating, sharing, and collaborating on designs. 

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Freelancers SEO Tools

Every SEO consultant knows better than anybody how powerful search engine optimization can be in digital marketing strategies. As a result, SEO freelancers should be aware that they should frequently rely on apps to gain the insights they require to complete client projects.

However, finding affordable, effective SEO apps for freelancers can be challenging; thus, that’s why we created this list, so keep reading to learn more!

1. Ahrefs

It’s no secret that Ahrefs is widely regarded as the best all-around SEO tool. The use of Ahrefs is growing not only among SEO experts but also among content creators. 

This tool is widely acknowledged to provide access to superior SEO information. 

In addition, if you have more than one website, Ahrefs can keep tabs on all of them and alert you to any problems they may have, as well as perform keyword research and inform you of the keywords for which you are currently ranking, alert you to new backlinks and chances.

2. Moz Pro

In order to boost a company’s search engine rankings and attract more organic visitors, Moz Pro is an all-in-one SEO utility. 

Moz Pro’s essential features include keyword research, site audits, link building, and rank monitoring, making it a must-have for any company serious about its online presence. 

In addition to its other features, Moz Pro includes tools designed to help websites find and monitor inbound connections. Insight into the efficacy of link-building activities and identifying new opportunities for link-building are made possible by these instruments.

3. SEO Minion 

SEO Minion is a browser extension that helps businesses improve their website’s search engine optimization. 

SEO Minion is a must-have for any company serious about increasing its online exposure, thanks to its broken link checker, SERP preview, and on-page SEO analysis features. Freelancers can use this tool to check their sites for common on-page SEO problems like broken links, duplicate content, and missing meta tags. 

Website owners can check how their site will look in search engine results with SEO Minion’s SERP preview feature.

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Wrapping things up

Freelancing is an adventure full of rewards and challenges; thus, for your business to flourish, it needs access to resources that will allow it to expand and scale. Therefore, investing in the right apps and software will help you get more done while spending less time, which will ultimately result in more clients and income.

Angela Manevska avatar


Angela Manevska is a content creator with a passion for reading, staying up-to-date on the latest trends, and a knack for connecting with people. She loves to explore new places, re-watching her favorite TV series, and iced coffee.

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