
Hiring guide in Kazakhstan

Have the latest guide for hiring in Kazakhstan through Native Teams

What should I know about hiring in Kazakhstan?

Knowledge of Kazakhstan’s work permit system, employment contracts, taxes, language, recruitment methods, discrimination legislation, and labor regulations is necessary for successful hiring in the country. 

Furthermore, as an employer, you will be responsible for withholding funds to pay for your workers’ proportionate part of taxes and benefits such as social security. 

Termination, work hours, and overtime pay are governed by the law and prohibited discrimination. Additionally, businesses are subject to a number of taxes, and local norms about hiring may vary widely. With this knowledge, businesses will be able to hire staff in Kazakhstan easily and per the law.

Why is Kazakhstan a good choice for finding remote employees?

As a developing economy, Kazakhstan has much to offer businesses in search of remote workers. Firstly, Kazakhstan is home to an intelligent and educated labor population that excels in fields like engineering, design, and programming. 

Furthermore, the country has a welcoming atmosphere for business, and many tax breaks and subsidies are accessible to local and international companies. 

In addition, the country’s strategic placement between Europe and Asia makes it an attractive market for global businesses. Last but not least, both companies and workers can benefit from Kazakhstan’s business-friendly climate and low cost of living.

How can Native Teams help you hire in Kazakhstan

If you are not familiar with the Kazakh labor market, finding the best candidates may seem challenging. Our team of experts can provide valuable insights and support throughout the hiring process, including navigating local laws and regulations, cultural differences, and language barriers. Using our employer of record services, we can improve your benefits and compensation structure to be more in line with the market and more likely to attract top talent.

 Hire your first Kazakh employee with Native Teams.

Legal requirements for hiring in Kazakhstan

Minimum wage

In Kazakhstan, the monthly minimum wage is 70.000 KZT.

Contributions & taxes

Employer tax

Total employment cost is between 16.00% and 21.00%.

Corporate tax

The corporate income tax rate that most legal organizations must pay is 20% of taxable income.

Employee tax

Total employee cost is 12.0%.

Income tax

In Kazakhstan, the tax rate on personal income is a flat 10%.

To calculate the salary and taxes in Kazakhstan please click here.

Payroll cycle

Wages are paid monthly on a date established by either a collective bargaining agreement or the employment contract.

Is there a 13th salary in Kazakhstan?

There is no legal requirement for a 13th-month payment in Kazakhstan.

Labor rules

Probation period rules

In Kazakhstan, there is a maximum 3-month probationary period.

Notice period 

One month’s notice is the minimum required by law.

Severance period

The law does not mandate any severance pay.

Working hours

In most Kazakh companies, employees put in 8 hours per day, Monday through Friday, for a total of 40 hours per week.

Leave and benefits

Public holidays

There are 16 official Kazakh holidays.

  1. New Year’s Day
  2. New Year Holiday
  3. New Year Holiday
  4. Orthodox Christmas Day
  5. International Women’s Day
  6. Nauryz Holiday
  7. Kazakhstan People Solidarity Day
  8. Kazakhstan People Solidarity Day Holiday
  9. Defender’s Day
  10. Victory Day
  11. Defender’s Day Holiday
  12. Capital City Day
  13. Kurban Ait
  14. Constitution Day
  15. First President Day
  16. Independence Day

Sick leave

Each employee is eligible for 3 days of paid sick leave per calendar year. In cases of serious illness, the allotted time off may be extended by up to 6 days.

Maternity leave & paternity leave

Paid maternity leave for mothers entitles them to 126 days, including 70 days before the due date and 56 days (rising to 70 days with multiple births) after the delivery of a child. An additional 14 days of leave after giving birth may be granted in the event of a difficult birth.    

In Kazakhstan, paternity leave is not guaranteed by law.

Other leave

Bereavement leave

In the event of the loss of a close relative, an employee is eligible for up to 5 days of bereavement leave.

Parental leave

In Kazakhstan, parents can take unpaid leave to care for their children until they turn 3.  

Marriage leave

In the event of a wedding, an employee is permitted up to 5 days off.

What are the minimum vacation days?

Every worker should receive at least 24 days of paid vacation per year.


Health security & private insurance

Anyone who has worked for an employer for at least three months within the previous fifteen months is entitled to free medical and dental care through the Social Security Administration. 

*Native Teams can support you in finding the best private insurance in the country. Contact us and we will send a comparison of insurance packages and prices.*


Relocation and work permits

Native Teams will apply for your work visa in the nation on your behalf and serve as your Employer of Record. All the required documents can be uploaded using our app. Until you have your work and residency visa, Native Teams will support you by providing you with frequent information on the progress.

How long is the visa/work permit process?

2 to 4 weeks depending on the authorities and provided documents.

Which documents do you need?

To apply for a visa/work permit in Kazakhstan, upload the documents from our onboarding list (relocation to log in/pricing).

Why use Native Teams for hiring in Kazakhstan?

Native Teams lets you employ team members ‘like a local’ meaning you get all the benefits of a global team, wherever you are based. Here are the reasons why you should use Native Teams for hiring:

  • No paperwork: We will handle all the necessary paperwork for you.
  • Save on taxes: We help you handle your taxes.
  • No company set up: You can expand your business using our company entitles.
  • Online onboarding: We’re here to ensure your onboarding process is trouble-free.
  • No accounting: We will handle all of your accounting needs, including invoicing, payroll, and more.
  • Increase your profit: We assist you in growing your business and maximizing your profits.
  • Compliance expertise: we can assist your company in navigating the regulatory environments and ensure you meet all relevant requirements.
  • Local support: We can assist you in understanding and complying with the relevant local laws.
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*Note: The provided information was accurate at the time of writing.

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