
Hiring guide in Argentina

Have the latest guide for hiring in Argentina through Native Teams

What should I know about hiring in Argentina?

Gaining a thorough understanding of Argentina’s employment contracts, taxes, recruitment methods, and discrimination legislation is essential before starting the hiring process in the country. 

Moreover, as an employer, you will remain liable for withdrawing funds to pay for your employees’ taxes and benefits, such as social security. 

To attract and retain top talent, be ready to offer competitive remuneration packages and advancement opportunities. Last but not least, following Argentinian cultural norms and local business practices is a great way to boost loyalty and positive relationships among your Argentinian employees.

Why is Argentina a good choice for finding remote employees?

Argentina has become a sought-after destination for finding remote employees thanks to its large talent pool. Argentina has a highly educated workforce with a strong emphasis on technical and IT-related skills.

In addition, Argentinians are generally fluent in English, making communication with international clients or colleagues smooth and efficient. As a developing country, Argentina offers more competitive rates for remote employees and low living costs. 

Argentina’s time zone overlaps with many major business regions, including North America and Europe. This means that remote employees in Argentina can work during similar hours as their clients or team members in these regions, minimising communication delays.

How can Native Teams help you hire in Argentina?

Native Teams can assist you in compliantly hiring new team members in Argentina. Our team of experts will offer guidance and in-depth information on local labour laws and regulations and cultural and language barriers. By using our employer of record services, you will be able to enhance your benefits and compensation package, making it more aligned with the market demands. 

Hire your first Argentinian employee with Native Teams.

Legal requirements for hiring in Argentina

Minimum wage

In Argentina, the monthly minimum wage is 87,987 ARS.

Contributions & taxes

Employer tax

The total employer cost is between 26.91% – 29.91%.

Corporate tax

The corporate tax rate in Argentina is 25%.

Employee tax

In Argentina, the total employee tax is 17%.

Income tax

  • ARS 0 – 97,202.00 – 5%
  • ARS 97,202.01 – 194,404.00 – 9%
  • ARS 194,404.01 – 291,606.00 – 12%
  • ARS 291,606.01 – 388,808.01 – 15%
  • ARS 388,808.02 – 583,212.01 – 19%
  • ARS 583,212,02 – 777,616.01 – 23%
  • ARS 777,616.02 – 1,166,424.02 – 27%
  • ARS 1,166,424.03 – 1,555,232.07 – 31%
  • ARS 1,555,232.08 and over – 35%

To calculate the salary and taxes in Argentina please click here.

Payroll cycle

The frequency of the payroll cycle is dependent on the type of contract. Full-time employees are paid at the end of each calendar month. Part-time employees and contractors must be paid weekly or bi-weekly.

Is there a 13th salary in Argentina?

According to Argentinian local law, employees are entitled to a 13th-month salary: Aguinaldo. This 13th-month salary is paid in two yearly instalments, which are due for payment before June 30th and December 18th, respectively.

Labor rules

Probation period

The probationary period in Argentina lasts three months.

Notice period 

One month’s notice must be given by employees who have worked at the same company for more than three months but less than five years. Those who have worked for the same company for more than five years must give a two-month notice.

Severance period

In case of a termination without a cause, the employee must receive statutory severance pay of 1 month’s salary for each year of service or a period longer than three months. This amount is calculated based on the employee’s highest monthly in the last 12 months of work.

Working hours

The Employment Contract Law stipulates that working hours cannot exceed 8 hours per day and 48 hours per week, excluding rest time. The typical working week is from Monday to Friday.

Leave and benefits

Public holidays

  1. New Year’s Day
  2. Shrove Monday
  3. Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice
  4. Malvinas Day
  5. Maundy Thursday
  6. Good Friday
  7. Labour Day
  8. First National Government
  9. Anniversary of General Martín Miguel de Güemes’ Death
  10. Flag Day
  11. Argentina’s Independence Day
  12. Anniversary of the death of General José de San Martín
  13. Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity
  14. Bank Workers’ Day
  15. National Sovereignty Day
  16. Feast of the Immaculate Conception
  17. Christmas Eve
  18. Christmas Day

Sick leave

Employees who have been with a company for fewer than five years are eligible for a maximum of three months of paid sick leave, while those who have surpassed the five-year mark are entitled to an extended period of six months of paid sick leave.

Maternity leave & paternity leave

Pregnant employees are entitled to 90 days of maternity leave. Out of these 90 days, the mother must take 30 days before the child’s birth. It’s common practice that the leave is split 45 days before and after the delivery. New fathers are entitled to 2 days of paid paternity leave.

Other leave

Bereavement leave

An employee is entitled to 3 days’ leave in case of the death of a child, parent, or spouse. Argentinian employees also get one day’s leave for the death of a sibling.

Parental leave

There are no laws regarding parental leave in Argentina.

Marriage leave

In the event of a marriage, employees are eligible for 10 days’ leave.

What are the minimum vacation days?

Each employee must receive annual leave between October 1 and April 30. The length of the vacation period depends on their seniority:

  • Less the five years at the same company: 14 days of leave
  • Five to 10 years at the same company: 21 days of leave
  • 10 to 20 years at the same company: 28 days of leave
  • Over 20 years at the same company: 35 days of leave


Health security & private insurance

Anyone who has worked for an employer for at least three months within the previous fifteen months is entitled to free medical and dental care through the Social Security Administration.

* Native Teams can support you in finding the best private insurance in the country. Contact us and we will send a comparison of insurance packages and prices*


Relocation and work permits

Native Teams will apply for your work visa in the nation on your behalf and serve as your Employer of Record. All the required documents can be uploaded using our app. Until you have your work and residency visa, Native Teams will support you by providing you with frequent information on the progress.

How long is the visa/work permit process?

2 to 4 weeks depending on the authorities and provided documents.

Which documents do you need?

To apply for a visa/work permit in Argentina, upload the documents from our onboarding list (relocation to log in/pricing). 

Why use Native Teams for hiring in Argentina?

Native Teams lets you employ team members ‘like a local’ meaning you get all the benefits of a global team, wherever you are based. Here are the reasons why you should use Native Teams for hiring:

  • No paperwork: We will handle all the necessary paperwork for you.
  • Save on taxes: We help you handle your taxes.
  • No company set up: You can expand your business using our company entitles.
  • Online onboarding: We’re here to ensure your onboarding process is trouble-free.
  • No accounting: We will handle all of your accounting needs, including invoicing, payroll, and more.
  • Increase your profit: We assist you in growing your business and maximizing your profits.
  • Compliance expertise: we can assist your company in navigating the regulatory environments and ensure you meet all relevant requirements.
  • Local support: We can assist you in understanding and complying with the relevant local laws.
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*Note: The provided information was accurate at the time of writing.

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